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Cinderella 16th January 2024

Cinderella has returned to HMS Ipswich for a new flexi tek deck, vapour blasting and epoxy coating of her underside, when works are complete she is making her way to the Mediterranean.

Cinderella 21st of June 22

The rig was put back up and the boat was completed with its newly refurbished decks looking fabulous.

Cinderella 19th April 22

Soon after launching the owner accidentally scraped the newly painted hull, fortunately it was not an issue as the in-house painting and finishing team made a great repair and she was gleaming once again.

Cinderella 10th March 22

The mast was craned into position on Monday.

Cinderella 4th March 22

Today is launch day for Cinderella we will put the mast up when she is back in the water.

Cinderella 2nd March 22

Today the Ipswich team had a busy day as Cinderella came out of the tent, her newly sprayed hull looked super shiny and the refurbished decks looked great. Tomorrow the mast and rigging is going back on and will be raised in time for launching and a busy sailing season ahead.

Cinderella update February 22

With the hull painted and the decks, re-caulked and sanded the Ipswich team are busy sorting the rigging in preparation for her to come out of the tent and the mast to go up ready for her to be launched.

The decks look really smart with the new caulking and the newly refurbished propeller is an object of beauty.

Cinderella update February 22

The decks have been caulked and are ready for sanding and the interior modifications are in progress, the newly painted mast emerged from our large tent looking fabulous.

Cinderella update January 22

The mast emerged from the tent yesterday and the boom is ready for spraying. And the deck seams have been raked, routered and sanded ready for recaulking.

Cinderella update December 21

The Ipswich team have done a fabulous job of the painting of the hull and she is looking super glossy. We were delighted that Marineware were using our work to demonstrate their paint products.

Cinderella update November 21

Unfortunately our custom built first shelter couldn’t withstand the Ipswich winds so as a plan b we have invested in another Shelterit tent, these things are amazing, heavy duty and provide the perfect shelter for our works. The only issue is with the erecting and dismantling after a job is completed, so this one we have screwed to boards so we should be able to move it whilst built. The roof is due to go on tomorrow as it was too windy today.

Cinderella update October 21

Cinderella is a Sun Odyssey 54DS she was built in 2008, she has come into the Ipswich yard for a major refit. Works are to include new rigging, repairs and repaint of the hull and superstructure and an upgrade of the electronics, deck repairs and re-caulking, and new anchor chain. Her mast was dropped last week and she was lifted out of the water and today we built a tent around her so work’s could commence in shelter.

Her mast is so long it wouldn’t fit in our shed so we had to build an extension!

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