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Kingfisher is a 1935 Silvers John Bain 42ft ‘Silver leaf’ twin screw motor yacht. She is a fine example of a classic motor yacht from one of the great British yards. She was designed by John Bain and built in Rosneath by James A Silver. She has come to HMS for the winter for maintenance, some modifications and improvements and a lot of varnishing!

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Kingfisher update August 2021:

Kingfisher has just completed a very successful week as support vessel to Mikado the owners classic yacht at the Cowes British classic week, she looked like the perfect base for the sailors to relax and discuss tactics for the next day. It’s worth noting Mikado went on to win their class. Congratulations.

Kingfisher update July 2021:

What began as a fairly minor job list with a tidy of the wiring in the wheelhouse and some new panels ended up being new shaft logs, shafts, engine bearers, new rig, repainting and revarnishing! With the job list completed we said farewell as she headed off on a passage back to Chichester.

Kingfisher update June 2021:

With the majority of the works complete we launched kingfisher this week, we are now working through the final list, she looked great taking to the water again. This was kingfisher in the evening sun moored on the left next to Magyar.

Kingfisher update June 2021:

The engineering team and marine electricians are busy finishing… While the rest of the chrome fittings are being put back on and the final interior sections are being completed and assembled.

Kingfisher update May 2021:

With Kingfisher’s owners very keen to have her back on the water for the end of the month it is all systems go. The exterior is looking fabulous and the interior is coming together nicely once again the poor engineering team are under pressure to finish their works before it can all be put back together.

Kingfisher update April 2021:

As is often the way with classic wooden boats Kingfisher originally came in for a few remedial works and we uncovered a few larger problems, all of which could be resolved with our skilled in house team. One of the fairly major jobs was the shaft logs needed to be replaced, a complex job which involved boaring a precise hole for the prop shafts to link from the engine to the propeller but the skilled engineering team made simple work of it with an ingenious method. The wiring has been rationalised and updated and a new control panel has been made and casing in addition she has been painted and varnished, soon we will be able to refit the beautiful port lights.

Kingfisher update Mar 2021:

The boys have been busy varnishing the fake break of sheer and the depth of colour of the teak is stunning. Meanwhile the engineering team have been working on repairing the stern gear and replacing a shaft log.

Kingfisher update Feb 2021:

Here you can see the splining we have done on the fake break of sheer, Felix is now working to sand and fair them in, and we have cleaned up the port lights without loosing the lovely patina ready to refit.

Kingfisher update Feb 2021:

Quite often a boat will arrive in the yard looking great at first glance, then under closer scrutiny and when talking with the customers it uncovers areas which require attention or improvement. This is the perfect opportunity for John with his experience and expertise to sit down and work through the whole boat with the customers and make any modifications and suggestions to improve their enjoyment and the practicality of the boat. Then the HMS team sets about making that a reality. Here you can see her hull is being prepared for painting and varnishing and the port lights have been removed to be cleaned up, these were leaking in places before so it was decided they would all be removed and refitted.

Okura Gallery

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