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Update 30th August 2022:

Malaika 24th August 2022:

Today we took her out for sea trails off the Southwold coast.

Malaika 23th August 2022:

The Southwold team have been busy this last week finishing off the job list prior to the handover and sea trails with the client. The new control panel is looking fabulous now it’s fully wired up and functional. The TV neatly lowers into a special slot in the panelling for protection and stowage when at sea.

Malaika 8th August 2022:

It’s been a busy month since the last update, the team have spray varnished the topcoat to the superstructure to get the best finish and are nearing completion, the marine electrician is busy wiring up all the navionics and engine.

The newly varnished name plates of Malaika ready to be put back on.

Malaika 30th June 2022:

The team have been super busy varnishing the superstructure of the boat, she has had in excess of 10 coats of pp varnish and has now been sanded back ready for the top coat. Dan has also been working on finishing the new control panel and it is looking so shiny.

Malaika 21st June 2022:

The team have been busy stripping the varnish and preparing the hull for painting.

Malaika 31st May 2022:

Sam has been busy fitting the new control panel and new helmsman chairs, we are now ready for all the new instruments to be installed.

Malaika 19th May 2022:

She has now been brought in the shed for the varnishing to begin.

Malaika 29th April 2022:

Sam has had his varnishing head on this week and amongst other things he has varnished Malaika’s teak control panel. This will be rubbed down and varnished again until the required finish is achieved.

Malaika 22nd April 2022:

Apologies Sam not Matt has cut the holes ready for the instruments to be fitted and is now preparing to varnish the beautiful teak control panel.

The new radar arch was looking great in the afternoon sunshine.

Malaika 19th April 2022:

The new control panel is taking shape and the new instruments are being positioned and mounted.

Malaika 8th April 2022:

The new control panel is in construction.

Malaika 25th March 2022:

She has been lifted out of the water today so works can continue. But first a pressure wash!

Malaika 18th March 2022:

Works on the control panel continue with a mass of wires and the installation of the TV is carried out.

Malaika 4th March 2022:

The radar arch has been fitted and is ready for the instruments to be mounted.

Malaika 25th February 2022:

Today we had a visit from the client and did a mock up of how the new control panel will look, its a really useful exercise as you can see if the scale is correct. Plus the mounts for the new radar arch have been fitted.

We were also able to design a bespoke cockpit dropleaf table and demonstrate how it would look to the client.

Malaika 18th February 2022:

Maliaka is a Dutch built Super Van Craft she is a regular visitor to HMS for various mini refits and maintenance and has recently returned for some modifications for the current owner including a new fabricated radar arch and electronics and new helmseats. This was the boys offering up the arch to check for size.

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